Saturday, March 20, 2010

okay that was pretty cool(:
ha, bsp was today.
and it was cool- well, everything was except the bsp part.
the food was cool, the people was cool, the seniors were cool... yeah man!

all dolled up and nowhere to go
Saturday, March 13, 2010

so i thought that only if i had something to talk about, then i'll blog. but somehow i'll just chat and stuffs; the blog is almost dead. ugh, its irritating too sad when no one ever tags. okay, so there were a few, carn blame a girl for being overly crazed about the whole tag box thing. im actualy comtemplating if i should somewhat change the blogskin. its getting overrated for me. i want a scroll down type, that looks cool. should i change?

the march holiday is here, and i say weeklong really loud cos the teachers carn seem to understand that fact. i have like a ton of homework and this being the first day of hols and i receive a mail that tell me that i have maths ct on the second week of term two. On quadratic functions, whatever it was. The quadratic graph thing. And i plan to redeem myself after scrapping a pass for the last maths ct and boy was i unhappy. then there goes the weeklong holiday that i emphasize again cos i have stringz from mon to wed, being mon and tue 8.30 to 6. Seriously, we carn practice the whole... 10.5h, Heck, its almost as long as working hours. Okay, so take off time where there announcements and lunch break. It shouldnt take this long. Wait, very long. 10.5 x 2... woah. I think nobody told them that my teachers gave a lot of homework? Okay so not staying over for the tuesday overnight camp thing but with valid reason as written in the consent form, really, does nobody read consent form ever? Then thursday is a free day, technically thats wrong cos i have piano from 2.45 to 4.15 and then friday wholeday is like gone cos of student council. oh uhm, yeah. great, so late nights and coffee for me. and no, coffee dun make me stay awake. it keeps me happy and satisfied. i really dun like missing my coffee... its like sadness and grumpyness and ... okay im sounding like a drug addict.

Scrolling up have made me realize that i have blogged a lot, and lets just say i read through just in case i written anything majorly wrong... (scrolls up and read) uhm disclaimer, im not really unhappy to go for ccas, just thought it might be the wrong season. Like wearing shorts in winter. then again, people wear mini skirts in winter so... what can i say?

random on high alert
Sunday, March 7, 2010

welcome to another series of quotes, where all random quotes of the day is founded.
never yank the door of a makeshift container, you'll never know if
there's a pastor inside.

(story: okay, so i was quite pissed for my sistah making us wait for her... and i just yanked the container outside my church door open, and unexpected was that the pastor at the head of the table stared at me. and the rest of the people inside. ugh, the embarrassment. but its okay, i was coool~ i said , 'now.' one word. yup, cool right? (: but ugh... )
dun make war with a prawn with tomato sauce, you'll never know what splats
at you

(story: err... do i need to go details? just say a 'fighting' prawn splats you with a number of unknown stuffs... besides tomato sauce... )
autumn's memory; the memory of autumn; remembering autumn

(story: my translation of the text that im supposed to give a lesson on tmr with my group mates, which do you like? ((: )
hmm... im all done. perhaps there'll be more.
the day haven ended yet.
who's knows...
tmr'll be... monday. aw shuacks.
maybe if im free (which im highly not) i'll watch prince of tennis all over. cause i really dun understand the nationals. boo.

take flight; free
Saturday, March 6, 2010

i came across this really funny thing i read in a book, and decided to make my contributions to the world of internet... though no one's actually tagging in this oh so forlorn and neglected blog. okay, i was reading. but thats not the book. carn blame a girl for satisfying her desire for books. defining them as story, books. right.. so this is how it went ..

a vampire. (okay i get the whole twiglight thing, but i really dun like twilight, this book is on a whole new level okay... and no offense to twilight people, we all like different things. in fact i like all different defination of vampires, just not those who can sparkle and have a really bad excuse for being in the sun?) continuing...

a vampire was at the character, pia, doors.. and she was on the phone.
and so, she freaked and went crazy... elaborating.

"i don't care. i have to get rid of this guy. what is it vamps don't like? garlic and holy water? i don't have any of the latter, but i have garlic bread. you think that will work?"

omg, she shoved the bread at the vamp, "it has garlic on it, so just stay back!"
the vamp said "very tasty.."

okay the vamp went on to say some stuffs and started into her house, and she went "oh no you don't!" snatched up the religious newspaper and shoved it to the vamp.. 'the watchtower' i dunno what religious newspaper this is but still... Pia den went on...

'the vampire dint flich, or shriek or run madly away at the look of something religious. he just took it and gave me the long-suffering look.'
hahahah!! she forgot that one vamp actually dragged her into a church to uhm... some stuffs.

so yeah, in this universe book, it dun work... but it was great fun reading haha

there was this really cool composer than sung told me about, im off to hear him and when its printed i'll go try... thats really all for my blog post... and i need the march teenage mag issue..


omg, i went downstair for watermelon and ended up playing the piano for 2h. oh shat man... see what watermelon can do to alter your time sense???

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

melodramatic is the new in-thing.
phys and bio were so... scrwed.
la was dead fun!

haha like real i was missed yesterday
he knows how to spell a lie.
wu-ah he made me apologise to keming was saying he's not straight
when keming was just faking angry...
but haha he laughed, so yup, yihxi many keming 0

wuuu-wa~ yamato nadeshiko shichi henge live is like so cool
why carn i live with cute guys too?
nay, my parents' hse rock more(:
but i dun mind a couple of cute room mates though... ((:

ah~ i wan teenage's march issue!!
haha anyone got seventh? or just any nice mag to just gawk at the nice clothes?
hey a girl got to satisfy her desires ok?

the irony's in life is found in death.