Wednesday, June 23, 2010

as far as i know, my computer's up and about.
going off to hunan in about... 5 days.
morning flight. 0830. be there at 0630.
grouch. definitely.
okay coupling up with err vampire diaries glee buffy...
but uh huh... hw. not finished yet, seriously. there's been some sort of 'who-gives-the-most-amount-of-hw' competition and we kids are not aware... well. im sort of am...?
bunking with YR. back from korean that lucky girl!
okay hearing this awesome song from glee. Hello by the character Rachel and Jesse. and Jesse is HAWT. reall' smokin. but in the wiki page of his... errr uh huh.
anime. some sort?
i think i really like poems.

blog in tmr. gotta liven things up.
probably a spam posts of err... everything you've missed out on.