Tuesday, August 31, 2010

i cant get enough of godric. amazing actor, amazing character of true blood. Apparently he is a child serial killer who wants to atone for his sins. Aww. but i prefer the true blood one, in any case, i think i might come to dislike the book, cos what comes first is normally deemed as the... better one, where we set the standard. hmmm... i didnt like the show of the book vampire diaries, but the book was lame. i found out i read lame books in p5. hahaha, many times.

you know, i think i might have a fond attachment to anger and among others, the seven deadly sins... a few of its buddies i guess. its like a rush to argue, of course like always, i find the one that gives the most fulfillment ones, in other words, paraphasing (haha), i pick my fights. errr... except the parents ones, i dun ever get to choose that. i do have a conscience unlike the dead butcher (nah, he's not dead yet) and his fiend-like queen (except they aint married yet) how awful. im appalled.

okay thought of this amazing thing. everyday, when you bathe, you are bathing away 24 hours worth of accumulated sweat, and if you dun bathe for 2 days, which would be 48 hours (nope ms fang, my maths is not that bad), it would be 48 hours of sweat, which alot of urine. OMG. ewww.

okay another scene from true blood. so the townspeople are all under the influence of some lady who wants some horned god to appear, and to save sam, who is the sacrifice, sookie's bro acted as the god to get him out

some random guy (okay he has a name.. but yup): Bullshit, god has horns
Everyone :YEAH!!
sookie's bro: (get me horns to the policeman who is unfluenced, who got him some): ROARRR.
the same random guy: whoa.

kinda cute and cool. reached the part where bill thinks a vampire MIGHT be able to stop this whole madness insanity thing.

Had awesome day today.
The test i totally understood manz. Hopefully I answered what Ms Syikin wanted. Anywhere... to true blood

WHY ON EARTH DID SOOKIE SUCK OUT THE BULLET FROM ERIC?! Why carn she use her hands... OMG. WHAT IS WRONG WITH HER!?! And there are no answers from the internet.

nonsense ramblings
Monday, August 30, 2010

you know, i sometime look back at my blog and i realise that i always have nothing to blog about. i don't always have immensely interesting things happen in my life, and sometime the most interesting thing (at that moment) that i want to blog about is either my feelings (uh huh, not trusted on blogs), controversies (yupp, hot topic, also dangerous on blogs) and bitching (which is also not recommended) or i totally forgot to blog on that one thing that is interesting.

Now i sit here, waiting for true blood to load, and its 1:33. Wait lemme go back to check.

Okay im back. Uhm so apparently... i'M still bored. Ma eyes are closing but im gonna force them to stay open. Tomo, actually to be accurate, today. We are gonna do cards for Ms Ku, she is AWESOME! And smart :) Still kind of sad I did not get secretary, nor vice president. All part of God's Plan i guess, something bigger coming my way? I do not know.

Watching true blood has led me to see some screwed 'christians' yupp, real scary. Sometimes i try not to think about it, because I agree that I'm not too strong a christian (ahem, i dun read the bible often) well in any case, they are screwed. Really, taking all sort of fact from the bible, then twisting them into... well stuffs that suit them well. sCARY.

oh shit, its 1:48 and im dead on watching the next scene. Godric APPEARS! He's cute. He's Eric a.k.a Alex's maker. Beats Bill's maker, some... woman. Okay, she's amazing too but Godric is 2000 years old!!


Eric: I'm following Godric's orders to getting you out, thats all.
Sookie: He's your Maker, isnt he?
Eric: Don't use words you don't understand.
Sookie: You have a lot of love for him.
Eric: .. Dont use words i don't understand.

Awwwww!!! I think I love Eric and Godric!!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

i need a breather.

Anyway, i found this awesome show. Hellcats.
Watch it. 8 September.

Its about a Law student who... err... realised her scholarship was cancelled, and her mom forgot to tell her and she needs a scholarship badly for some reason and the only one available was a cheerleader one. And she waddles her way through what she calls ridiculous sport. And brings with her her cool dance moves. Yupps, another music and dance series :)

Saturday, August 28, 2010

gorgeous photo, of course, with me in it
it was pretty much just a door which cannot be opened, at least not by me

a rather random picture since i carrn find any picture on deviantart that suits my this particular post but oh well. And also, i have come to realise that my blog posts are super in-sentence-able. The whole entire thing just jumps and skipps. Yes, there are some things which I would ony hint about, but they totally dun match at all. Gotta improve on that.

my room has ants, and i dun even know whyy, and i think i just got bitten by one. Those pesky little things.

err... horrible things happened today which I will not retalk about since i repeated myself twice already and its getting worse. But alright, the issue is not solved, wounds would leave scars. Same analogy.

I'm yawning already, it was a very busy messy tired weird odd annoying day and im just glad the weekend is here! But still the weekend has homework too! So gotta breathe breath breathe!!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

singapore against montenegro, we won.
bronze. really we got a lot of bronze hahaha
today's maths test was highly... ahem*
had student council pictures today...
it was a joke , the teacher who did the photograph was like 'ONE TWO THREE' pauses for five seconds, then when your smile carn stand it anymore he clicks the camera 'KACHINK!' haha, so funny.

helped weilee today.
she was doing the teacher's day stuffs, she sooooo have to credit me for helping her haha!

Seriously, GDP is bad stuffs.
Quote: "The trees in an old-growth forest that provide numerous services to
humans and animals alike are worth nothing to the GDP until they are cut down
for timber, at which point the GDP has no way of accounting for the loss of
their services. By celebrating consumption rather than conservation, the GDP
encourages the unsustainable depletion of finite resources."
哈哈哈哈!! Funny stuffs, geography.

downfall of the government, nahh not in my lifetime
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

seriously in school now
doing some project on the downfall of singapore government
wonder if the moe allowed this manz, but oh well.
so im supposed to be doing on the ministry of environment and water resources...
and i have to read like 68 pages of their SGP 2010, and to figure out the problems of which of what would happen.
really, what would i do manz... im so sad.
would i get warned by the ISD?
oh this is hilarious...

Monday, August 23, 2010

screw slackers.
project everyone do can.
where got liddat one.
screw screw screw.

in bad mood.

celebratious weeeeeek
Friday, August 20, 2010

omg Lord please bless me!
im taking Yuna out today, after cca.
i hope she likes my cca!!

we are gonna have great load of fun fun fun.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

the feeling of dread is back
hope is giving up on me
cos we aint best friends

its pretty much obvious
now i gotta be its friend
but how?

all year round
Saturday, August 14, 2010

spring's flowers leave me dry
summer's winds sting my eyes
autumn's leaves bid me goodbye
winter's sonata see me die

distant foreboding and some murmurs
Thursday, August 12, 2010

been a long time since i updated.
went to lunch with janice, leehwee, benw, vivian, weilee and cherylc. traded dreams, ghost stories and lotsa random stuffs.
hahaha, they didnt even know my blog existed hahaha.
hmmm, what should i say then?
cherylt told me something today that made me astoundingly happy.
couldnt stop smiling for a long time..
it was when i had raised my hand during chem lesson and had volunteered to help manbo do her corrections for the chemistry practical, and as she had asked, 'any kind soul?' i merely replied me a 'i very kind one..'
and the smiling begun.
which led cherylt to tell me that when she saw the smile, she felt so heartwarmed and awww-ed at the moment 温馨的感觉
janice also said that during the geog project, it was at the mrt.
and the searching eyes.
aw cmon, the gaze across, how can they see so clearly?
hahaha, the craziness of my babbles.
the oh-so tall one (leehwee should know who this is) seemingly caught up in the whole thing, and perhaps im getting uptight too.
this the distant foreboding of the impending doom, how much longer i get hold it off... i dont know. a certain brush and a certain scrap... ah it keeps repeating..
cello lesson two tomorrow.